Personal Project

Structuralism Quote Poster Animation

In the early part of 2023, I was lamenting the fact that I had not yet had the opportunity to use voronoi fracture at the forefront of a project, so I decided to animate an old 2010 college typography project that was the perfect candidate to experiment with fracture dynamics as a storytelling device. The original project was 10″×10″ typographic poster layout of a provided quotation made, in my case, by Tom Wolfe

Not a real NFT, just FOMO

As I was building the animation, I had the thought that this would make a great NFT series with the various dynamic solve variations. However, I didn’t want to lose money on Ethereum as an unestablished artist, nor contribute to the environmental and ethical perils… so, I decided to make a fake version that I could physically display in a digital video/photo frame.

I liked the style of the Infinite Objects acrylic display frame and I managed to find a similar item from a seller on Amazon. To make it look a little more official, I added a fake certificate-of-ownership to the bottom of the video loop with a QR-Code that points to this webpage. Now I have the beginnings of a physically displayable, non-NFT collection. This was quickly followed up by a second, fake NFT featuring a 3D animation for ChangeUp’s Earth Day celebration.


  • SFX Sources:
    Soundly, Video Copilot
  • Dust VFX Stock
    Video Copilot
  • Miscellaneous:
  • Everything Else:
    Mark Gerlach
College type project exploration College type project final