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Wheel of Destruction Game Videos

The Wheel of Destruction game was a playful, Graphica internal project to showcase studio capabilities in web development and motion graphics, while at the same time, raise money for worthy causes.

About the WOD Project

The 2012 game revolved around predicting unusual ways the world might have ended. Logged-in players would choose a charity and spin the wheel three times to match a prediction whose points translated to an actual donation to the chosen charity.

Screenshot of game victory screen

When it’s your job to destroy the world…

I was also responsible for creating semi-humorous destruction videos based on the developed icons. This was one of my first projects out of college, and quite a fun learning experience. Particle VFX was not a major focus of my digital design education, so I researched tutorials and blended techniques to create the visual effects we needed.

Destroyer icons and values


  • Creative Direction:
    Jeff Stapleton
  • Graphic Design
    Jeff Stapleton,Brent Presley
  • Web Dev & Game Logic:
    Nick Dellaposta
  • Animation:
    Mark Gerlach
  • Voiceover
    Nick Dellaposta
  • Sound Efffects
    from Audiojungle